Innova Colour Management
Potentially the most complete and extensive colour match prediction system available with components equally adapted for research & development, colour Lab, quality Control, production and point-of-sale.
High system security, extensive storage, handling control in production process and supply chain combined in an easy-to-use software will shorten the time for return on investment and improve the formulations, both volumetric and gravimetric.
The Innova Colour Management simplifies the workflow and communication with customers and within companies providing almost limitless possibilities for colour match prediction and recipe management in Synergy M3, Synergy M3 Inplant and Synergy T3 dispensing software.
Our Largo 2000 software packages for colour matching, tinting and dispensing have proven to be a unique colour management system now widely used in the European paint market and around the world.The LargoMatch 2000 software is available in Paint, Plastic, Printing Ink, Woodstain and Inplant versions.
LargoSynergy, LargoMatch and LargoTint are registred trademarks by Largo Innova AB.
Synergy M3
v.3.0.127Our most comprehensive system, equally useful to R&D, QC and production. Featuring easy-to- prepare colour databases, multilevel capacity in all systems, optional logical or consistency match and easy-to-cutomize screens.
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Synergy M3 Inplant
v.3.0.127The Inplant version of the full Synergy M3 contains the same features as the full SM3, and is for users that do not require to build calibration databases.
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Synergy Q3
v.3.0.121This program adresses all your colour related quality issues in the colour lab, incoming and final QC and production process. It's an accurate, flexible and user- friendly tool with easy-to-customize output on screen or in reports depending on requierments.
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Synergy T3
v.1.0.35T3 handles your formulations wherever you are - in the lab, in production or at the POS. It comes in a variaty of versions, from the multible dispenser handeling tool that checks and matches all your customers' colours to a simple, always up-to-date recipe book.
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Synergy T3 Search
v.1.0.35This is an add-on option for Synergy T3 with colour measurement for search of matching shades among stored own or standard formulas.
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Synergy T3 Formulate
v.1.0.35Synergy T3 with colour match prediction for lab, production and POS application. In combination with colour measurement hardware, it allows to create own formulations from arbitrary colour samples, with colour difference and price control.
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Synergy TintSTAT
v.1.16.3Collected statistic (products, colours, fandecks, cans sizes, volumes, paste usage...) gives producers, marketing and sales departments an easy overview and awareness of trends. The report can easily be exported to Microsoft Excel for further analyses.
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LargoTint 2000
v.1.3.61Recipe handling and automatic Tinting machine control for retailer, production and laboratory. Administation of recipes and search based on colour, fandeck, product, customer or price. Feature for search of "Budget alternative", lable designer and screen design package included.
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LargoTint 2000 E C Search
v.1.3.61Option to LargoTint 2000 to connect a 45/0 measuring device and search for the closest, own or standard, recipe. Just select the required product/quality and, based on the L*a*b*- values, the colour difference is displayed for the nearest available shades. With a click on the shade you want it is ready for dispense.
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LargoMatch 2000 Tinter
v.1.1.148Tinter Search measures samples, finds recipes in your file and communicates with your Dispenser. Tinter Basic with Search additionally allows you to calculate your own matches if nothing suitable can be found in the recipe bank. Tinter Pro additionally allows you to correct any measured colour to a given standard.
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LargoMatch 2000
v.1.1.148This full colour match system comes in versions for the following technologies: - Paint - Woodstain - Ink - Plastic
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LargoMatch 2000 Inplant
v.1.1.148A smaller LargoMatch2000 version for users in production or at POS. This includes all the features of the original without the function to build own databases. Available for Paint and Woodstain technology.
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